new beauty
.things or actions on which you spend your free time, that is what you like, that is a beauty for you, or where you see the beauty in, that is what is valuable for you, your values
?where do YOU spend most of your time
.people admire the beauty of nature for a moment and hurry on, having already forgotten what it was, or passing by without noticing; not having time to fill themselves emotionally and enjoy time in a place .usually, people do not return to such places, even if they like them .because why, I've already been there
?reminiscent of something
.this really bothers me, because people pay more attention and time to consumption than to sincerity .spending the whole day in the forest, on the lake, on the river, with friends — THAT is normal
?or not
light evening
time & location
october 2022, lviv, Ukraine
nikon fm3a, nikkor ai-s 28mm, nikkor pancake ai-s 50mm, nikkor ai-s 105mm, mamiya c330s, sekkor 55mm, sekkor 105mm, fuji velvia 50, fuji provia 100f, kodak eastman double-x 5222, kodak portra 800
.i visited the same places in the forest multiple times and shoot them in different parts of the day .all of them are perfect and i selected few shots that i think the best to show how these places look like in different parts of the day
.all of them are perfect in any time